Colorado Housing Info and Resources

HUD Affordable Apartment Search-National

Housing Colorado Directory

We’re working to educate, inform and advocate for affordable housing.

Affordable housing is an issue that affects everyone. Housing Colorado is the unified resource in the state for affordable housing education, information and advocacy. Housing Colorado was formed in January 2005 from the merger of the Colorado Rural Housing NOW! (conference), Colorado Affordable Housing Partnership and the restructuring of Colorado Low-Income Housing Campaign to create a stronger voice for affordable housing.

Colorado Housing Search

Select a city, county, zip code, or property name

Select the apartment type: disabled, elderly, or family

Specify the number of bedrooms

Seniors Blue Book-Colorado

A listing of affordable apartments can be found under independent living communities section.

1-800-201-9989 (although these can be found in many senior gathering places such as a senior center, hospital, or human services agencies)

Colorado Geronotological Society-Colorado

Senior Resource Guidebook

A free directory for seniors and disabled individuals and their families, & aging professionals. Affordable apartments can be found in the independent living facilities section.

Phone 303-333-3482

United Way 211

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